





Upskill Yourself With ChatGPT, Prompt Engineering & Generative AI Tools Work Now To Stay Ahead In 2024!

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The Ultimate Power Prompts

for ChatGPT

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Why AI?

In the rapidly evolving employment sector, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly influential. As AI reshapes the job market, traditional skillset face the possibility of obsolescence. This shift underscores the importance of modern, tech-centric skills, which are now in greater demand. To remain competitive, professionals must adapt by acquiring these tech-based competencies that align with the new AI-driven workspace.

Failing to grasp the full potential of AI technology can lead professionals and businesses to overlook the significant benefits of AI solutions. These include boosting operational efficiency and augmenting productivity, which directly impacts the elevation of profit margins. Additionally, AI paves the way for novel career opportunities and vast prospects for comprehensive business growth, highlighting the importance of integrating AI into strategic decision-making. Overlooking the adoption of AI innovations may result in the loss of vital competitive edges in the current tech-driven market environment.


Let's See some Mind Blowing Statistics

If this doesn’t get you serious about Artificial Intelligence or AI, I don’t know what will…



The global AI market is valued at over $196 billion &  is  projected to increase by over 13x over the next 7 years.

The US AI market is forecast to reach $299.64 billion by 2026.

Generative AI can contribute an estimated $1.2 – 1.5 Trillion to India’s GDP over the next seven years.


By 2025, as many as 97 million people will work in the

AI space.

83% of companies claim that AI is a top priority in their business plans.

AI is expected to improve employee productivity by 40%.



48% of businesses use some form of AI to utilize big data effectively.

9 in 10 organizations back AI to give them a competitive edge over rivals.

A strong majority of CEO’s say that AI will increase work efficiencies for employees and themselves.

Still on the Fence About AI Upskilling?

Hear what Billionaire Investors are saying. about AI Upskilling...

What is Generative AI?

Discover AI models creating art, music, storytelling, and coding


TEXT TO IMAGE, a compelling AI - driven technology, has the remarkable ability to turn written text or prompts into captivating digital visuals. The showcased image is expertly crafted using a cutting - edge text - to - image AI instrument known as Dall-E.



Turn your written text into compelling videos with TEXT TO VIDEO AI – a cutting-edge Video generator tool designed to breathe life into your words by crafting dynamic visual content. The showcased video is a perfect illustration of this innovative text-to-video conversion capability. Enhance your message visually and captivate your audience with this transformative technology.

Collection of Quotes on AI From Industry Leaders




Prompt Engineering as a Skill...Few Quotes...


AI Workplace Trends

Key Takeaways from Microsoft's recent Work Trend Index Annual report, "Will AI fix Work?"


64% of people say that they have struggled with having enough time and energy to get their work done and those workers are 3.5x more likely to say they struggle with innovation and strategic thinking.

68% of people say they don't have enough uninterrupted focus time during the workday.

Every employee needs AI aptitude and new core competencies such as prompt engineering in their day-to-day work.

82% of leaders say the people they hire will need new skills to prepare them for the growth of AI.

70% of people say they would delegate as much work as possible to AI in order to lessen their workloads.

78% of Indian workers say they don't have the right capabilities to complete their current work.

There is a new AI-employee alliance.Business leaders are 2x more likely to say that AI would provide value in their workplace by boosting productivity rather than cutting headcount.

Analytical judgement,flexibility and emotional intelligence top the list of skills leaders believe will be essential for employees in an AI-powered future.


Why Choose Pivot With AI?

Bridging the skills gap, 'PIVOT WITH AI', spearheaded by the AI Enthusiast & GenAI Educator, Sushant V Pai, presents its premier workshop, 'The Future of Work is AI'. This program is dedicated to training and upskilling participants, empowering them to thrive in the AI-dominated workforce of the future. Our workshop serves as the crucial link that transitions your existing skills into the in-demand proficiencies of tomorrow.


Unlock Your AI Potential : The Future of Work is Now!

Boost Your AI Expertise: Excel in the High-Tech Work Environments of the Future. The age of sophisticated workspaces has arrived! Embrace innovative technologies to accelerate your career growth.

Who Will Shape the Future? You.

🌟 You — If you're a student, professional, or leader, whether in school or shaping industries, and you're asking, "How do I start with AI when it's evolving so rapidly?"— you're not alone, and you're asking the right questions. If you're a lifelong learner and believe in taking action and who's ever felt lost in the world of AI jargon, this message is for you. The path to understanding AI doesn't start with mastery — it begins with the courage to take the first step.




What Will We Explore Together?

Forget about "Mastering" AI overnight. "The Future of Work is AI" is a 3-Hour live workshop focused on practical engagement. It's about starting with ChatGPT, taking the first steps with Generative AI Tools, and learning by doing— because that's how real understanding begins.

Why Start Your AI Journey With Us?

Every expert was once a beginner. Every master started with a question. Why start? Because the future of work doesn't just include AI—it's built on it. This workshop is where you stop watching from the sidelines and dive into the game. "The Future of Work is AI" is not just another workshop — it's a 3-hour interactive live experience where you lay the foundation. We cut through the noise and start with the essentials of ChatGPT, Prompt Engineering, and Generative AI Tools that every modern thinker should know. Because learning AI isn't about becoming an overnight master. It's about starting with the right tools and the right mindset. Forget about accumulating hours of passive knowledge. Our workshop is about active exploration — trying, reflecting, and understanding AI from the ground up.



Start Your AI Adventure

Learn AI by Doing AI

This isn't about becoming a master in hours. It's about beginning correctly, learning practically, and understanding deeply

Why Start This Way?

Because "How do I start learning AI?" is the wrong question. It's not about passively learning — it's about actively engaging. Forget about false promises of instant expertise. We're here for the real deal: empowerment. AI is not a spectator sport, and success in AI doesn't come from watching from the sidelines. Understanding AI begins with demystifying it, and that's exactly what we promise — a clear starting point, guiding you on why and how these tools matter to you. Our workshop is your playground for experiential learning — the kind where you learn by doing.




Why Should You Attend?

AI isn't coming; it's already here, redefining roles and creating new opportunities. But, why settle for catching up when you can lead the charge? This workshop is your opportunity to get ahead—to ensure your skills are not just current but are the currency in the evolving job market.

When Is the Right Time to Begin?

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now. On Every Saturday & Sunday, we're bringing you a workshop that marks the perfect time to start your AI learning journey. There's no mastery without a beginning, and your beginning is here.



Your AI Adventure Starts With US

Let's explore the possibilities together, and set you on a path where you're not just following trends — you're understanding them

Where Is Your Launchpad?

Anywhere you have an internet connection. We bring the workshop to your space, wherever that may be. Join us online and become part of a community that’s taking the first step towards AI fluency.




What You Get To Learn?

Explore the intersection of potential and practicality in the world of artificial intelligence. Dive into core AI concepts and learn about Prompt Design, Advanced Prompt Engineering, and cutting-edge tools such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Perplexity AI, and Claude. Discover other generative AI tools designed to enhance productivity, efficiency, and growth in various applications.

How to Take Your First Step?

Begin by taking the first step. Click "Register Now" and embark on a learning path that's about progressive discovery—not just theory. Prepare to engage with AI in ways you haven't before.




Key Takeaways

Post-workshop, you'll walk away with

Insight into how AI is changing the professional & business landscape

Grasp the basics of AI that will serve as building blocks for your growth

An understanding of the fundamentals of LLM, ChatGPT, and Prompt Engineering

Art of Crafting Prompts & understanding Prompt Structure

Advanced features of ChatGPT Plus or GPT-4 like Dall-E, GPT Store, Data Analysis, Custom Instructions to unlock real insights

Knowledge of other Generative AI Tools including text-to-image tools, text-to-video tools, data analysis & presentation tools, and their potential in your daily work

Practical first steps to integrate AI into your learning or business strategy

A mindset shift towards incremental learning—what we call "learning AI backwards"

Expert Guidance led by Sushant V Pai, a AI enthusiast, prompt engineer, ChatGPT researcher with more than 500 hours spent on ChatGPT doing prompt experimenting , a business leader in areas of Sales, Marketing, Strategy and a lifelong learner and action taker


Hi, Meet Me & My Digital Avatar

Sushant V Pai – AI Thought Leader and Business Strategist

Sushant V Pai is on a mission to elevate the AI prowess of over 10,000 students, professionals, and businesses. With a focus on AI, Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT, and a suite of generative AI tools, he's turning learners into leaders and businesses into powerhouses of innovation

Accumulated over 500+ hours of hands-on experience of prompting with various AI models, including OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5, GPT-4, Google Bard, Anthropic Claude, Cohere Coral, Perplexity Experimental, Dall-E, and Midjourney

Since December 2022, Sushant has been deeply involved in exploring and researching the capabilities and applications of ChatGPT in business contexts



14+ years of experience in driving business growth and strategy


Executive MBA: Quantic School of Business & Technology, USA (2021) – Specialization in Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Digital Marketing Specialization: Columbia Business School of Executive Education (2019)


Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering: Mumbai University (2009)


With over 20,750+ followers on LinkedIn, he is a recognized voice in the AI community, sharing insights and creating content on AI topics



You Have Two Choices for

"The Future of Work is AI"

As you stand at this crossroads, consider the two paths that lie before you :

Choice 1: The Path of Inaction

You can choose to bypass this opportunity, to stay the course in your current trajectory. It's the easier choice, the one that requires nothing of you. But ask yourself, where does this path lead? In a world rapidly being reshaped by AI, inaction means stagnation. It means watching as others who chose to embrace and understand AI forge ahead, seizing opportunities that could have been yours. It's looking back a year from now, only to realize the landscape of your industry has changed, and you're no longer equipped to compete or innovate as you once were

Choice 2: The Path of Empowerment

Alternatively, you can choose to step into the future of work with confidence by joining "The Future of Work is AI." This choice is about investment—an investment in yourself, your career, and your future. It's about gaining the knowledge, skills, and tools to not only navigate but excel in an AI-driven world. With this choice, you're not just keeping pace; you're setting the pace. You're transforming the way you work, innovate, and lead. A year from now, you could look back with pride at how far you've come, armed with AI skills that are not only relevant but in high demand

The decision is yours. Will you take the path of inaction and watch from the sidelines as the future unfolds? Or will you choose empowerment, joining a community of forward-thinkers who are ready to lead in the AI era?


You’re a student eager to future-proof your career

Discover tools to enhance your knowledge, research, and presentation skills within an evolving AI-powered job market

You’re a working professional seeking a competitive edge

Learn to harness AI for efficiency, strategic insights, and innovation – positioning yourself for career growth

You’re a solopreneur who wants to streamline your work

Explore AI solutions to automate tasks, generate creative content, and gain invaluable time back


You’re an agency looking to elevate your offerings

Enhance efficiency, deliver data-driven results, and gain a reputation for being on the cutting edge with AI

You’re a small business owner aiming to compete

Discover how AI can help you optimize operations, understand customers better, and drive results even with limited resources

You’re a business leader wanting to shape the future

Gain the skills and understanding to implement an AI strategy, maximizing benefits and driving success within your organization

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I'm completely new to AI – is this workshop right for me?

Absolutely! This workshop is designed for individuals with no prior AI experience. We start with the basics, demystifying AI to give you a strong foundation for future learning

Q. What exactly will I learn by attending this workshop?

You'll gain practical knowledge of ChatGPT, understand prompt engineering, and discover valuable generative AI tools. You'll be able to use this knowledge to unlock efficiency and enhance work or life processes

Q. I'm worried about the technical aspects. Do I need any coding skills?

Not at all! This workshop focuses on using AI practically. We aim to help you explore AI tools without being overwhelmed by technical jargon or requiring programming skills

Q. Will this workshop help me stay ahead in the job market?

Yes, AI is radically changing the professional landscape. Understanding AI gives you a competitive edge. This workshop is an essential start for adapting your skills to a future where AI is a significant player

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How is this workshop different from other AI resources?

Our focus is on learning by doing. Instead of hours of passive lectures, we'll dive headfirst into prompt crafting, exploring generative AI tools, and engaging with ChatGPT – turning knowledge into concrete actions.

Q. Why should I trust this workshop and the instructor?

Our workshop is led by Sushant V Pai, who combines strong business acumen with a passion for AI research and prompt engineering. His knowledge and experience ensure practical guidance for real-world AI applications.

Q. Is this workshop a live session?

Yes! This is a live, interactive workshop. You'll have the opportunity to engage with the instructor, ask questions in real-time, and participate in discussions with other learners.

Q. Will a recording of the workshop be available afterward?

Due to the interactive nature of the workshop and to encourage active participation, we won't be sharing a recording afterward. However, you'll be provided with comprehensive notes and resources to aid further learning.




Q. The workshop costs 499 INR, and there's a no-refund policy. Why is this?

We have a no-refund policy to ensure a committed learning environment and allow us to efficiently allocate resources for a high-quality workshop. The no-refund policy signals our confidence in the workshop's value.

Q. Are there any hidden terms or conditions associated with this workshop?

No, there are no hidden terms or conditions. We believe in transparency – all essential information (price, refund policy, content) is clearly outlined upfront. There are no additional costs or hidden clauses to worry about.

Q. How will I receive the bonus materials?

Bonus materials will be delivered directly to your registered email address after completing the workshop. You'll have immediate access to download and start using them.

Q. Is there support available after the workshop ends?

Yes, participants will have access to a private community for ongoing support, collaboration, and networking. Additionally, we offer resources for continued learning and application of AI technologies.


Attended the one on one, 'The Future of Work is AI' workshop ,as a sales professional and it was transformative. Mastering ChatGPT and AI tools has revolutionized our sales strategy and client engagement. Essential for anyone in sales looking to lead the pack

Rohit Kini

Sales Professional


“The 'Future of Work is AI' workshop was an eye-opener! As a student, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest technologies, and this workshop on ChatGPT and generative AI tools did just that. It was not only informative but also engaging, making complex concepts easy to grasp. This has definitely given me a competitive edge in my studies and future career prospects”

Mallikarjun Ganji



“Attended the Future of Work is AI" workshop as a sales professional and it was transformative. Mastering ChatGPT and AI tools has revolutionized our sales strategy and client engagement. Essential for anyone in sales looking to lead the pack.”

Girish Kashwani

Business Leader


Bonus 1:

Prompt Engineering Cheatsheet


(INR.799/-) FREE

Master the art of communicating with AI! This concise guide provides essential tips and tricks for crafting effective prompts to get the most out of ChatGPT and other language models


Bonus 2:

100+ Power Prompts

to use with ChatGPT 

(INR.2999/-) FREE

Kickstart your AI journey with ready-to-use prompts! Explore various templates and examples to streamline your work, generate creative ideas, and solve business problems.


Bonus 3:

Top 50 AI Companies

Business Analysis Ebook 

(INR.1999/-) FREE

Stay ahead of the curve! Discover the leading players in the AI field, understand their strategies, and analyze how they’re transforming industries


Bonus 4:

AI Glossary for

AI basics

(INR.299/-) FREE

Build a strong foundation! Decipher AI jargon with this comprehensive glossary defining essential terms and concepts


Bonus 5:

100+ AI tools

Notion Guide

(INR.799/-) FREE

Amplify your productivity! Uncover the best AI tools, organized in a user-friendly Notion database, across various tasks like writing, image generation, and more

Get the Big Picture:

See how AI is disrupting work and creating new opportunities

Build Your Foundation:

Understand the basics of AI, ChatGPT, and the art of prompt engineering

Gain Practical Skills:

Learn to craft effective prompts and create your own template

Unlock Advanced Features:

Discover ChatGPT Plus/GPT-4 capabilities and powerful generative AI tools

Integrate AI Now:

Explore strategies for applying these tools to your learning or business today

Adopt the Right Mindset:

Embrace incremental learning for continued AI success

Learn from Experience:

Benefit from an expert with 500+ hours of hands-on AI exploration

And Bonuses…

Prompt Engineering Cheatsheet

100+ Power Prompts to use with ChatGPT

Top 50 AI Companies Business Analysis Ebook

AI Glossary for AI basics

100+ AI tools Notion Guide

Total Value :

INR. 4999/-

Today Just

INR. 1999/-

INR. 499/-

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